Complete Pet Bird Owner's Handbook,
Dr. Gary Gallerstein, D.V.M. Avian Publications, 2003, One of the best
books on pet bird care and health on the market. Over 400 pages with information
that can save the life of your bird. Well written and informative for anybody
owning a pet bird of any species. A must have if you love your bird. + + + + +
Cockatiels for Dummys,
Diane Grindol, 2003 An excellent, informative book. It's my avian vet's personal
favorite. He recommends that all cockatiel owners read it. I agree with him and
it's one of my personal favorites as well. + + + + +
The Cockatiel, An Owners Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet. Julie Ann Rach Howell Book
House, 1997. A well written, informative book. It covers all aspects of
cockatiel care, cockatiels, nutrition, including how to convert diets, health problems,first aid,
and bird behavior. + + + + +
Feeding Your Pet Bird, Petra M Burgmann,DVM,
Barron's Press, 1993. Excellent, detailed book on nutrition , with sections on specific
dietary needs of certain species. Includes information on diet related diseases,
nutritional deficiencies etc. Highly Recommend + + + ++
The Complete Book of Cockatiels,1998, Diane
Grindol,Howell Book House. An excellent book covering all aspects of cockatiels,
especially nutrition. Chapters on nutrition written by Tom Roudybush.
Expensive, but worth it. + + + + +
First Aid for Birds,
Julie Rach and Gary Gallerstein, Howell Books, 1998. A must have for bird
owners. Offers important information on caring for injured and sick birds,
symptoms of sick birds, etc. + + + + +
Breeding Cockatiels, Julie Sturman, Dorothy Schultz, TFH
Publications, 1995. The information is too general. Does not tell you how
to set up nestbox or how to handfeed. Doesn't tell you very much about handling
babies or caring for them.
Hand-feeding and Raising Baby Birds,1996, Matthew
Vriends PHD,Barron's Press. Excellent book on breeding all species. Very
detailed information with pictures of all stages of a chick's growth. Highly
recommend. + + + + +
Guide to Incubation and Handraising Parrots,
Phil Digney, ABK Publications, 1998. Excellent resource for anybody who is
serious and conscientious about breeding birds. Although a bit expensive,
well worth the money. Information on the development of an egg and
hatching process is very detailed. It could help save the life of a baby. Book
also includes excellent material on all aspects of breeding. + + + + +
Avian Medicine, Principles and Practices by Dr. Branson Ritchie, Dr.
Greg Harrison and Linda Harrison, 1997.+ + + + + Handbook written for vets working with birds but appropriate
for bird owners who have a good background in general biology and avian
The Parrot Breeder's
Answer Book by Gayle A. Soucek, 2001, Excellent, basic book on breeding,
easy to read and covers all general areas. + + + + +.
The Cockatiel Handbook, 1999, Matthew M. Vriends PHD, Barron's
Press, 1993. Information on cockatiel care is good but this book focuses
strongly on breeding, breeding for specific color mutations as well as
problems associated with breeding. Also an excellent book for those ,
interested in building an outdoor aviary. Photos and directions are given in
lengthy detail including suggested plantings around the aviary. + + + + +
Why Does My Bird Do That?A Guide to Parrot
Behavior,1998, Julie Rach. An excellent book explaining the causes of specific
bird behavior, with suggested remedies and approaches to correcting
behavioral problems. Highly Recommend. + + + + +
Why Does My Cockatiel Do That?
Nikki Moustaki, Bow Tie Press, 2003. Easy to read guide on interpreting your
cockatiel's body language. + + +
Guide to a Well-Behaved Parrot,1999 Mattie Sue Athan, Barrons
Press, 1999. An excellent book with tons of passive games
to help you interact with a shy or aggressive bird. A must have for new bird owners, teaching you how gain
a bird's trust and interact with you.+ + + + +
The Beak Book,
Understanding, Preventing and Solving Aggression and Biting Behaviors in
Companion Parrots Sally Blanchard, Pet Bird Information Council,
2002. An excellent book to help you understand how your own behavior affects
your bird's behavior. This book will help you to develop a more positive
relationship with your cockatiel. + + + + +
A Guide to Taming and
Gentling Your Avian Companion, Bonnie Monroe Doane, Howell Book
House, 2001. Nice addition to your collection of books on birds. Plenty of ideas
on how to work with a bird that is not tame yet. + + + + +
Second Hand Parrot, Mattie Sue Athans, Barrons Press, 2002.
Excellent book for those who have acquired a formerly abused and neglected bird.
Ideas on how to make the transition into a new home less stressful and how to
rehabilitate special needs birds. + + + + +
The New Cockatiel Handbook,
Matthew M.Vriends,PHD, Barron's Press, 1989. Diet information outdated,
but useful for information on breeding hereditary color mutations.
You can purchase all of these books online at
or Barnes and Nobles